Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm Baaaaack!

It's been a long, long, long time since I have paid any attention
to this part of my life. If you have been waiting for a new post -
sorry I haven't been as faithful to my blog as I have to my book.
I have been really concentrating on finishing up my second novel
in the BALFOUR series and am at this point wrapping it up.
Lots of other stuff happening, vacations, trips and any other
excuse I can come up with for being lazy. Hang in there,
I'll try to do better!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Been away for a while!

03-05-09 - Been on vacation and didn't consider posting a priority.
Back to business. I've readjusted my settings to make it easier for
my blog to be emailed and published on other web sites. This stuff
is new to me and am still working it out.
Have added several chapters to my latest novel and struggling with
a couple of short stories. The novel is going well and I think my goal
of publishing by July 09 is still doable. I sent my first novel off to the
Historical Novels Review online. Hope to get some response in about
90 days. Even a bad review is good for me. I'll use the info to guage
the quality of the work.
Book sales are still slow, but steady. I've got to do more promotion
and plan on doing that in the upcoming weeks.
That's it for now - more later.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Been a while

02-18-09 - Sorry I've been busy writing and not paying attention
to the blog. Everyone says you should be making an entry at least
every two or three days.
I just about completed my short story - novella. Needs some editing
but I'm happy with it. I also added several chapters to the novel and
it is flowing pretty good. I always like to finish up a chapter before
quitting and have a clear idea what will come next, so it is easy to
get restarted.
I'm enjoying the research for the novel especially on colonial
governments in the Caribbean and how sugar was grown and processed
in the 18th Century. A horrible existence for the slaves who did all
the work and suffering so the Europeans could have their sweets.
Leaving for Florida on Friday so will not be doing much writing for
a week or two. I will be working seriously on my short story called
"The Substitute". Stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A new poem!

02-04-09 Here's a new poem I've been working on - hope you like it!

Cap’n Jack
By Dave Miles Copywrite 2009

Off to the east, a blood red moon blazes a sinister light.
The glass is down, and the wind is up, the devil means to fight.
No sleep for thee, you scurvy souls, no fear can make it right
An evil omen, warns Cap’n Jack, will taunt us all this night.

Upon the tilting deck we lean, the ocean’s grip is tight.
Keep faithful to the course we steer, because the devil wants to fight.
Pray hope for thee, you simple swabs, and for your wretched plight.
Use all your skills, pleads Cap’n Jack, to save our souls tonight.

We struggle on past light of dawn which has refused to break
Now rollers pour over our sinking ship, we’re caught in a devils lake.
It’s no easy life you sorry coves, for the sea will always take.
Man the pumps, orders Cap’n Jack, or suffer in Jonah’s wake.

Saint Elmo’s fire roars up our mast, glowing like burning coals
The ship is done and the time has come for the devil to collect his tolls.
He’ll count the losses of your closest kin then add them to his roles.
So say your prayers, warns Cap’n Jack, and save your mortal souls.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl is Over!

And it's back to work. I pretty much wasted the writing opportunities
this weekend but I did go see Slum Dog Millionaire. I don't know what
one has to to do with the other, but.... I have a request to post one of
writings and if I can figure out how to do it, I will.
I'm really fighting white out on a new article I'm writing. It is really
different from my usual stuff but I need to stretch my writing style and
see if I can introduce a little more dimension into my characters. It is
tough do that with a historic novel unless you want to be James Michener.
Easier to do it in intimate short story with focus on developing one or
two characters. I'll keep at it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Productive few days

Well I've been working hard this past few days on a couple of things.
Added a rather long and action packed chapter to my second novel and
a couple of shorter chapters to my mystery novella - short story.
The stories are so different, but seems easier to add to each since
there is no crossover.
My daughter has fixed me up with a Face Book account and now with
a blog and FP, I'll have to be ready for what the internet throws my
way. Like everything else - I'll be going slow, slow slow.
I have a couple of new ideas for short stories and am trying to outline
a believable course for each to take. They are also different from the
other things I have been working on. I'll give more details as I flesh out
the storyline.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Back to Work

01-26-09 Took a little break this past weekend. Tried to do some more
research on blogs and best way to get the info out there. I linked my
website: to my blog and added both addresses
to my e-mail. Probably not much of a big deal for most of you guys,
but for me a major accomplishment. I changed the template on my blog
because it was too hard to read before.
I'm finishing up another chapter in my current book and adding some
more to my short story today. I'm still shooting for June to get the
second book published and asap on the short stories. There was a nice
article in the Post this morning about a guy who has been struggling to
keep his one man book publishing business afloat. Works out of his
home in Alexandria, VA. Talk about a labor of love.
Back to the computer, I can hear those little microchips calling.